Election of the Tales of ambassador 2014-2015 BANDAI NAMCO Games Europe
Tales of Xillia 2 est le sponsor du European Cosplay Gathering pour sa Saison 4 : pour l’occasion, un nouveau concours cosplay est organisé afin d’élire l’ambassadeur Tales of à Japan Expo pour représenter le jeu dans le cadre de l’événement cosplay le plus attendu d’Europe !
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Tales of Xillia 2 is expecting all the cosplayers and fans of the game at Japan Expo on the Japan Expo stage to find its ambassador.
Among the cosplayers performing on stage in Tales of costumes, 5 entrants will be selected for a second part during which they will be tested on their knowledge about Tales of to find the one!
The big winner of this contest will become the ambassador of the game and will represent it at several events, partners of the ECG Season 5. Many gifts will also be part of the reward, including financial help to the creation of their next costume. The 4 other finalists, as well as the other entrants will also get Tales of Xillia 2 gifts.