Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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Eir AOI - Showcase

Here's a J-pop voice that anime fans have discovered in the theme songs of the most popular series such as Fate/Zero, Kill la Kill or Sword Art Online. Don’t miss Eir AOI, on stage!

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Since her major debut in 2011, Eir AOI has released two albums, about a dozen singles, and gained a growing success.

Often chosen as opening and end theme songs for anime series, her songs have often reached the top of Oricon charts. Among them, let’s mention MEMORIAFate/Zero end theme song, INNOCENCESword Art Online opening theme song, SiriusKill la Kill opening theme song, and lately GENESISAldnoah.Zero, end theme song.

Her year 2015 is going to be busy with the release of a second single in April, Lapis Lazuli, a world tour and her coming at Japan Expo next summer for a showcase!



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  • Music

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