Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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Getting started in cosplay - Symphony Cosplay

Would you like to get started in the world of cosplay, but don't necessarily know how, where or what your options are? Well, that's all you'll find in this masterclass!

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Symphony Cosplay, cosplayer for 10 years now. She specializes in men's cosplay and sewing. She's been making her own cosplays for several years now, and has learned everything she knows by self-taught, which means she has her own very personal vision of cosplay, as well as a journey that's been made along the way.

The aim of this Masterclass is to give you a general introduction to cosplay. Secondly, Symphony demystifies certain myths (such as the need to be good right away). And finally, she discusses several ways of doing things, with their advantages, as well as a more ecological approach to cosplay. All this is accompanied by visuals of her own cosplays, illustrating each category and showing not only the differences, but also that each way of doing things can produce a good result.

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  • Cosplay

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