Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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After several weeks of live competition, the group We=MUKASHIBANASHI won the Tokyo Candoll 2019 contest: congrats to the five idols who will now be seeing you at Japan Expo to show you their music!

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"No matter what, we will always remain children!", this is We=MUKASHIBANASHI’s motto (WeBana for short). Inspired by the concept of looking back over childhood and the melody of traditional tales (mukashibanashi), the five members of We=MUKASHIBANASHI held their first concert on April 19, 2019 at Ebisu Creato to a full house.

A week later, they won the finals of Tokyo Candoll 2019, a contest in which they took part as Sarukani Banashi 2nd Edition, their former name. The next stage of their ascension is Japan Expo as they earned a place on the Karasu stage where they will be performing for the first time in Europe!


The name of each group member is inspired from a Japanese traditional tale: in blue, SAKI, whose name comes from the tale Saru Kani Gassen (The Crab and the Monkey); in red, MAKI, whose name is inspired from Warashibe Chôja (The Straw Millionaire); in purple, GASHI, from the fable Shitakiri Suzume (Tongue-Cut Sparrow); in green, SANA, from Issun-bôshi (One-Sun Boy); and in black, YUMI, from Tsuru no Ongaeshi (Crane's Return of a Favor). Their fans even call them by the sweet nickname of "Story Tellers".

While focusing on their activities as idols, We=MUKASHIBANASHI also wishes to get closer to other cultures. Managed by Zohfuku Studio, the group shares the studio’s goal of "spreading as many emotions as possible to the world". Created by former members of Recruit, Zohfuku Studio works with idol groups who have a strong bond to culture. 

Congratulations to We=MUKASHIBANASHI for their performances at every stage of Tokyo Candoll and for their victory! We can’t wait to see them at Japan Expo on stage for their showcase. They will also be holding signings and photo sessions

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