Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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Singer, actress, TV host, businesswoman, nothing resists to Ai HARUNA! The famous idol is coming to transmit her energy and passion to you during a showcase this summer!

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Ai HARUNA has always dreamed of becoming an idol. She starts attracting the public’s attention in primary school, winning her region’s karaoke and mime contest. At the same time, she begins to feel ill at ease with her sexuality, feeling like a woman trapped in a man’s body. She enters the world of show business around the age of 15.

Ai HARUNA starts a career in Osaka, and thinking big, she decides to move to Tokyo. She doesn’t find an immediate success, and decides to open a bar with her modest savings.

Later, she takes part in a TV show on TBS, Arabikidan, and imitates the singer Aya Mastuura. This performance leads her to an immediate success, and she soon appears on numerous TV shows.

In 2008, she releases her first single, IUYoNe, and in 2009, her 2nd single written by Houmi Hirose, Natsu Dekoboko Love

In 2010, her 3rd single comes out, Crazy Love, and in 2012 her 4rth single, Motto Aiwo, composed by the famous producer YANAGIMAN. For him, this song represents all the love Haruna AI shares with people. He wants Ai HARUNA to transmit her love to the whole world. With this song, Haruna AI gives her first One Man Live in Osaka, her lifetime dream, and in 2013, she also performs on stage in Tokyo.

She supported the victims of the earthquake that struck the Tohoku area in 2011, and is a spokesperson for the LGBT and the minorities. She expanded her activities in South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and in New York.

She is joining other idols for the Welcome to Japan show on the Karasu stage this summer!


For more information about Ai HARUNA : 

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