Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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The cutest of all kittens is back at Japan Expo: in partnership with Kodansha, Chi, Chi’s Sweet Home heroine, will be waking you up every morning, performing live, and following all the culture & traditions events of the festival as official reporter!

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Chi is the official reporter for our culture & traditions events for the 160th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Japon

Follow her with enka singer Misaki IWASA during the festival on JapanExpoTV!


French people's hearts melted when they discovered Chi in her manga: Chi’s Sweet Home, published in 23 countries around the world. Broadcast every week on channels TV Tokyo and TCV Shinshu in Japan, the 3DCG anime adaptation is also a huge success in over 200 regions and countries, including France.

Now that she has conquered the world, Chi is turning to high tech. She’s become a geek kitten, all about social media!

Still, she's not any less into Japanese traditions and has been chosen as the official reporter for all culture & traditions events of Japan Expo alongside Misaki IWASA (watch the videos on JapanExpoTV everyday of the festival). Eventhough that will keep her quite busy, she still has some time for you !

Every morning, Chi will be welcoming you in the lines in hall 7. She will also hold a solo showcase and another one with Wi-Fi-5! Last but not least, she will be available for photos with you.


In partnership with Kodansha

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