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Global Fashion Excellence and Cultural Immersion: ESMOD International and Yokohama International Education Academy

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ESMOD International
Créée en 1841, l’Ecole Supérieure des Arts et techniques de la Mode (ESMOD) s’illustre en tant que première école de Mode au monde en proposant un savoir-faire d’excellence innovant à ses étudiant.e.s. Internationalement reconnue grâce à ses 18 écoles à travers le monde, elle propose désormais un programme franco-japonais intitulé « Tokyo Program ».

Cet Undergraduate Fashion Design vise à découvrir la culture & l’environnement des industries créatives japonaises, en proposant une immersion de 18 mois à Tokyo. A travers différents ateliers & workshops dans la capitale du Pays du soleil levant, les étudiant.e.s s’initieront à son savoir-faire et se spécialiseront dans le marché de la mode japonaise, en développant un véritable réseau constitué de professionnels nippons et internationaux. En outre, l’école bénéficie d’un partenariat avec la SNG, école de japonais mondialement reconnue, pour assurer un apprentissage concret et pérenne de la langue avec la méthode Ezoe.
Website : www.esmod.com

Yokohama International Education Academy
The Yokohama International Education Academy has been providing quality Japanese language education for over 30 years in the city of Yokohama. Our experience and expertise allow us to evolve with the times and ensure our service constantly meets the expectations of our students and the global community. Yokohama is a prominent and energetic city attracting tourists and businesses alike. It is situated within the greater Tokyo metropolitan area yet manages to maintain its quiet charm as an international port city. In this marvelous environment, thousands of students have completed their studies and went on to follow their dreams.
Website : https://yiea.com/en/

About License Academy…
Licence Academy provides various supports for students in search of their future directions, in hope that they become aware of the broad range of opportunities available and discover their abilities and talents hidden within to select their future direction.
We have a broad range of businesses to support students in developing their potential through our core business of counseling on their future direction to high school students and job hunting students from overseas, and the publishing of study materials. In our newspaper business, we provide various information required by schools through publishing a university newspaper. Through our support to schools and companies that foster students and employ them, we develop a good synergizing relationship between them.

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  • Education & training

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