Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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APOIL's team presents you its members' favorite video games and explains you why they find them so memorable. Now is a good opportunity to discover (or rediscover) great titles of the gaming world such as Xenoblade, Super Paper Mario, or Castlevania!

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APOIL is an association consisting of video game enthusiasts from Paris-Sud, Paris Saclay University. Its members do their best to share their passion for the gaming world, and thus organize theme evenings, network tournaments, and display many consoles on which they make people discover memorable games. A part of the collective is now expanding its activities to game creation in the game/graphic design, and programming fields.



This year, APOIL sets different areas where its members present you their favorite video games and explain you why they are so special.

Here are the games you’ll get to discover (these may be subject to modifications): Zeno Clash, Xenoblade, MicroMachine, Pokémon Rouge, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Mario Kart Double Dash, Puppeteer, Super Street Fighter II, Alumdra, Dynsaty Warriors 4, Aladdin, Castlevania, and Medievil 2.

The collective also invites you to try out HTC Vive and live an advanced virtual reality experience with games such as SuperHot and Raw Data.

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  • Video games

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