Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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From an early age, Hiroshi MOTOFUJI has been a talented taiko drummer and he is a pioneer of mixing music styles by including taiko into rock music. He is also part of the famous hard rock and taiko band Yasuharu TAKANASHI & YAIBA, coming to Japan Expo to perform on Friday and Sunday!

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Hiroshi MOTOFUJI is a taiko drum player known for his traditional and contemporary performance styles. He was the first person to play taiko in rock music in Japan. He started his career as a taiko player as he was still quite young. At age 15, he became a disciple of Oedo Sukeroku Taiko, which started as the very first traditional Edo-Tokyo style drumming ensemble group in Tokyo. 12 years of study on the basis of traditional drumming style and the experience of performing as a semi-professional player allowed him to become an instructor when he was 27.

Since he became an independent performer, he was involved in establishing many bands, such as Musashi and Da Kyu To –Da.K.T-. Currently, he is showing his talent in taiko hard rock bands Yasuharu TAKANASHI & YAIBA and Hot Rod Kixxs’ as a member. He also composed, choreographed, coached, and performed the theatre performance Ryu to Botan 2012, starring Taichi SAOTOME, a Japanese film and stage actor. He also performed with Mr. Big & KISS with Momoiro Clover Z.


Don’t miss Hiroshi MOTOFUJI and Yasuharu TAKANASHI & YAIBA at Japan Expo on Friday and Sunday, for two shows on the Karasu Stage and signings!


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