Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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They are Tokyo Candoll winner! Their secret? A unique bond with their fans, since it’s them who produces the group! Discover notall on the Karasu stage for their very first live in Europe!

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In virtue of the social idol concept, notall intends to be the leader of the new generation of idols produced on the web. By involving the internet users in the development of the group, a close relationship was created between notall and its fans. They indeed chose the group’s name, the logo and so on.

Since they started in June 2014, they collaborated with producers from 8 different countries. They keep working with them via social networks by selecting the goodies as well as the songs they perform.


notall took part into several idol festivals like the famous TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL which brings together artists from all over Japan. But the band doesn’t stop at Japanese borders: they for instance participated in Connect Japan in Thailand and in Comic Exhibition in Taiwan and already gave several concerts in China.

Their main single, Capybara Jisoku 50km / Kimi ni DA-DA-DAN, was launched in April and they toured in the whole country to promote it. On the occasion of the 3 years of the band, concerts are planned this summer throughout Japan.

After winning the Tokyo Candoll contest, notall now goes after the European public by coming to the Karasu stage for their very first live in France!



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