Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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USV Aïkido

Meet the members of the USV Aïkido representing the FFAAA (aikidô and aikibudô French federation) everyday at Japan Expo during breathtaking demonstrations as well as initiations for the most adventurous!

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Aikidô is a martial art. The Japanese call it budôTheir aim is to bring people together instead of destroying each other. The martial techniques that were, at first, harsh and violent became supple and elegant, laying on the principles of the circle and the spiral that characterize aikidô.

Nevertheless, the circular movements weren’t created with the purpose of making the aikidô a subtle art or an art of passive defense. The aim was positive: to master the strength of your adversary.

This martial art was the answer to important questions like “What can I do if I’m facing an adversary who is physically stronger than I am?” or “How can I defeat an adversary without resorting to violence?”


This summer, USV Aïkido comes to represent the FFAAA at the festival and is ready to make the tatami vibrate under the impact of the practicing members’ demonstrations.

You’ll find an atmosphere of concentration and good disposition among the beginners and the veterans. They can train together and learn from each other since in aikidô, the older member always accompanies the beginner in his discovery as much as the apprentice participates in the progress of the ranked member. 

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