Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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After a first time at Japan Expo in 2010, kyûdô is always very successful during the festival: the Kyudo French federation, FFKT, is back to make sure you have a go at Japanese archery!

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Kyûdô is “the way of the arch”, or Japanese traditional archery. Inherited from medieval Japan, kyûdô has a double origin: it takes its roots in samurai’s war techniques and in the traditional rituals of the same era (religious or not) when the arch had an important symbolic function.

This discipline is probably the one which gets us closest to the true essence of martial arts, the aim of which is not victory on the adversary but on oneself. Kyûdô helps develop in the archer human qualities, strength of mind, self-knowledge and the respect of others.

Kyûdô in France

Kyûdô is not a very common discipline in France yet (about 650 members at the FFKT), though it is the second practicing country in Europe (behind Germany with about 1,000 members).

Attracted by its fun, physical, and spiritual aspects, young people and adults, though, are getting more and more interested in this demanding discipline.

Last year, the kyûdô Worldcup took place in Paris: it is the very first time an event like this happens out of Japan. France won in 2010 in Tokyo and that is why the competition was set in Paris.


The FFKT gives you an intense program: kyûdô gets its place in France, and this initiative shows the growing interest of westerners for the dignity of slowness and harmony in a world every day more restless.

Ceremonial shooting: the calm beauty and perfection of the movement gives the arrow strength and meaning. Newcomers, don’t miss this journey and immerse, for a moment, in the samurai’s era. The kyûdô area allows target shooting at Japan Expo, so come and admire the impressive technique of the archers. With an off-putting ease, they shoot on a target 28 meters away and in Japan, some practice at 60 meters. On the tatami, experts will tell you where they draw this unsuspected energy.

Initiation classes are also planned: come and follow the wayof the arch!


More about Fédération française
de kyudo traditionnel on: kyudo.fr

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