Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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AFDP Nanbudô

Fascinating and constantly evolving, nanbudô constitutes a real therapy giving the possibility to protect yourself from both bodily harm and mental aggressions.

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Deriving from karaté, nanbudô is a traditional martial art teaching fight forms (randori no kata), dodging techniques, kata as well as breathing and stretching exercises. It comes from the origin of life: breathing.

Created by Master Yoshinao NANBU, this martial art is an excellent self-defense technique against various daily aggressions. The boundless energy of each one of us, often misdirected, is here used as part of fluid and dynamic movements.

It is a non-violent discipline which aims at dissuading and neutralizing the opponent’s aggressivity; it is based on simplicity and natural gestures.



Nanbudô practitioners invite you to join them at the Budô area to assist at demonstrations and participate in initiations: no need to be an accomplished athlete to give this martial art a try!


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  • Sports
  • Culture & traditions

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