Japan Expo Paris - July 3-6, 2025
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Experts and enthusiasts, the members of the APOIL association come share with you their love of video games with a console collection you’re going to marvel at!

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APOIL (the "association of fun and interactive works", Association des Passionnés d’Œuvres Interactives et Ludiques in French) is a student association of the Paris-Sud university managed by video game lovers.

In addition to plan theme parties within their premises, they help young developers to make their own projects during game jams, game creating events within a limited time.

Nothing can stop the dynamic and motivated members of APOIL to propose free and fun activities to the students of their campus. Moreover, they are responsible for the largest academic video game event of France, the French Academic Video Game Championship.

They also intervene outside of their university, for instance in libraries and at conventions where they animate video game workshops.



APOIL proposes a huge area dedicated to video games, split in different types:

  • a fighting game area with Street Fighter 2 on SNES, Smash Bros Melee on GameCube, Bushido Blade on Playstation, Nidhogg on PC and Punch Out on NES
  • a racing game area with Mario Kart Double Dash on Game Cube, Jet Set Radio on DreamCast, Forza Motorsport 4 on Xbox 360, MicroMachine on MegaDrive and Marble Madness on NES
  • an unexpected game area with BomberMan on Saturn, REZ on PC, Flower on PS3, Portal on PC, Katamari Damacy on PC, Hyperlight Drifter on PC and Medievil on PS1
  • a platform game area with Rayman Origins on Wii, Crash Banicoot 3 on PS1, Megaman on NES, Prince of Persia on SNES and EarthWorm Jim on SNES
  • an area just for LAN on computers
  • a rhythm game area with two DDR, Donkey Konga on GameCube, Dance Center on Xbox 360 and a Guitar Hero area


APOIL’s volunteers are glad to share their passion with you and to answer any question you may have!

Tags :

  • Video games

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